Year 3 - January 2019
Our new story writing genre for this half term is Losing Tales. We have looked at and read, a selection of books that have the theme of losing something, including Dogger, The Lost Happy Endings, Stickman and The Creakers. Can you find any books at home that have a Losing Tale story line?
We have created story maps that show the story of The Lost Happy Endings and we will soon begin to think of our own story plots!
Non Chronological Report
We are learning the properties of a non chronological report.
We are writing a report on 'Sustainable Living'.
We are using J2E software on HWB.
Instructional Writing
We have learned about bossy verbs and how to write a set of instructions.
We wrote instructions to explain how to plant a bulb.
The Faraway Tree
We are reading this enchanting book as a class reader. It has been helpful with stimulating our creative, imaginative thoughts.