Home Learning is given out each Friday and every child is expected to complete the task and return their book to class on the following Thursday/Friday morning. 3 Dojo Points (House Points) will be given for returned, completed homework. From time to time, additional homework may be given out and points awarded in due course. Please keep an eye on the Y6 Twitter feed for any additional information relating to Home Learning.
Reading Torches are also available for children to take home and complete. Each completed torch earns 45 Dojo Points! Daily reading is crucial to making progress with reading.
Progress on Spelling Shed and Sumdog will be checked regularly and Dojo Points will also be awarded to those children who are making an effort to practise their spellings and times tables outside of school learning time.
Mrs E
Friday 5th March
Maths - revise addition and complete your times tables sheet please; decimal work has been added to Maths Shed; pupils can practise times tables on WordWall, which they can access via their Hwb account.
English - new spellings have been handed out for this week - please practise them using the Wordsearch given to you today; please also practise on Spelling Shed and WordWall
Science - the Chemistry vocab match up is now available to practise on WordWall, as well as the first Chemistry Quiz, which I will be doing with you on Wednesday.
Thursday 27th February
New spellings have been issued, together with Vocabulary Builder Crosswords for those that want them. Please practise spellings in your Home Learning book, online (Spelling Shed and WordWall, via Google Classroom).
Times Table Olympics sheets are on the website - please practise your sheet, so you can progress to the next level as quickly as possible.
Please bring in a jar, with lid, on Friday 6th March.
Half Term - February 2020
The homework over half term is to learn their Eisteddfod poem 'Bywd y bid'.
A copy of the poem is below.
Diolch ac gwyliau hapus!
Mrs E
Thursday 16th January 2020
Our whole school topic is 'Roots & Wings'. In Humanities, we are currently exploring the 'Roots of Wales' - the history of our nation.
For your Home Learning, I would like Year 6 to research an event or period in Welsh history which interests them. You will then present this information in a manner of your choosing e.g. PowerPoint, Sway, short film, animation, mood boards/pictures.
I will use the presentations as an oracy assessment, so you must be prepared to present their research and answer questions about your chosen event or historical era. I am not looking for you to read off the screen or cards. You may have short notes (or even better, no notes...because you really know your stuff!) to help them, but to demonstrate a higher level of oracy, pupils should definitely not read from the screen or detailed notes. Pupils should also demonstrate that you have undertaken thorough research of your topic, which will be evident when answering questions.
PowerPoints and Sway presentations should be completed on Hwb.
Presentations will take place in the week before half-term.
If you have any questions, please just ask!
Mrs Edwards
Thursday 19th September
The focus this week is on Welsh Vocabulary and further times table practise.
Thursday 26th September
This weeks's homework is to consolidate our knowledge of Place Value and to find out how much we know about the use of apostrophes...