07.05.18 this week we have been practising time, we have been using the beebots and we have been thinking about directional language. In Literacy we have been using talk 4 writing to help us learn 'A New Home for a Pirate' we have alao enjoyed gardening and playing a hoop target game!
30.04.18 A busy week again! We enjoyed planting strawberry plants and creating our own treasure maps! We also had a lovely day at the castle!
16.04.18 What a lovely first week back! We had a great day at the beach, the weather was beautiful!
5.3.18 A very busy week celebrating Word Book Day and Eisteddfod!
26.02.18 This week we created art work in the style of Andy Goldsworthy. We have enjoyed creating a meal for a herbivore dinosaur and have enjoyed weighing dinosaur eggs. We have been focussing on 'counting on' strategies in maths, please continue to support this at home! :)
12.02.18 This week we have been weighing dinosaurs! We have also collected data- to find out the favourite dinosaur! We have enjoyed writing a recount about our trip to Cardiff Museum! Have a lovely half term break! Miss Griffiths :)
Year 1 Trip to Cardiff Museum
Year 1 Eisteddfod Rap! Please help your child to learn the rap ready for the Eisteddfod on March 1st!
Using books to find Dinosaur Facts!
29.01.18 This week we have been busy acting out our dinosaur story, which has really helped us with our story writing. In maths we have been buying dinosaurs, writing number sentences and working out how much change! It was very tricky, but we have really tried hard. We have been painting dinosaurs, completing dinosaur puzzles, looking at different dinosaur books and we have learnt the name of a baby dinosaur! Have a fun weekend!
22.01.18 This week we have been investigating how big dinosaur footprints actually were! It was a tricky task, but we think we have mananged to find out! We have been busy with our story maps and we have been learning and acting out Tyrannosaurus Drip!
15.01.18 What an exciting start to the week! Dinosaur Hunting! We have also been on a 3D shape hunt, we have been measuring dinosaur bones and we have been introduced to our new story book! We have enjoyed discussing the characters in the story.
08.01.18 Welcome Back! What a busy start to the Spring Term! The week started with our immersion day, all children participated in different activities linked to our new topic- Paws, Claws, Beaks and Squeaks. As you will see from the Year 1 Newsletter, our focus is very much based around dinosaurs. So far, the children are really enjoying it. We have been drawing and collaging dinosaurs, we have look at the different features and discussed how we can sort them. In PE we have been moving like different animals! We have had lots of fun!
18.12.17 This week was our final nativity performance of Prickly Hay, we hope you enjoyed it! We have also been doing lots of Christmas Craft and we have even made chocolate truffles! We had a lovely morning watching Aladdin and also enjoyed our Chirtsmas Party with a visit from Santa! I would also just like to say a HUGE thank you to all parents for your continued support. It has been a pleasure to teach them all! I wish you all a very Happy, Restful Christmas Holiday and look forward to seeing you all in the new year. Miss Griffiths :)
11.12.17 This week we have been busy creating our own wrapping paper for our wrapping station! We have been working together to make it easier! We have been busy writing our own versions of the Christmas Story and in maths we have been making symmetrical shape pictures!
04.12.17 We have been enjoying exploring the ice outside, we have been making wrapping paper, we have been rehearsing ready for our Nativity Play. In literacy we have been looking at the new John Lewis advert. We have used adjectives to describe the 2 characters. We have also been doing food tasting, we have made a chart to see what the most favourite food was.
27.11.17 This week we have been writing instructions to make bird feeders. We had lots of fun making the bird feeders. The birds have eaten them already! In maths we have been working on more than and less than. It was quite tricky but we got there in the end. We have been busy practising our Nativity Play, we are trying really hard to learn all of the songs!
20.11.17 This week we have been looking at repeating patterns. We made bird feeders, which were repeating patterns; we had to really concentrate with the threading of the raisins and cheerios! In literacy, we have been identifying ‘Bossy Verbs’ we had lots of fun playing games with bossy verbs. We had a lovely walk around the village following a map and looking at different features of Raglan (Thank you to all of our helpers). We have also been busy practising for our Nativity- Prickly Hay!
Children in Need 2017
Strictly Style Dancing!
13.11.17 Another busy week in year 1! This week we have been completing number problems. It was hard at first, but we worked together to make it easier. We have started our new Literacy topic, which is all about birds. We have written lists to make sure Miss Griffiths knows what to buy for us to make bird feeders! We have also enjoyed colour mixing and bird spotting! We made party hats... first we had to work together to measure each other's heads to make sure our party hats were the correct size. We have enjoyed Children in Need day. We have decorated biscuits and we have been creating our own 'Strictly Come Dancing' style dance! Have a great weekend!
06.11.17 What a very busy week back! This week we have been thinking about words to describe Bonfire Night. We created poems using the lovely descriptive words. In maths we have been making amounts using money. Miss Griffiths had a sweet shop! We have to work out what we could buy with the amount of money we had. We have enjoyed colour matching outdoors and we have been very creative with art and paint!
23.10.17 We have been writing lots of number sentences this week, particularly focussing on addition and subtraction. We have also been continuing to write our own versions of the Hansel and Gretel story. We have been looking at us, similarities and differences and this week we had to identify our class friends by their smile. It was so much fun! Have a look and see if you can identify anyone from the smiles below! We have enjoyed exploring HWB! We have had a very busy and enjoyable term, so far. I hope you have a lovely half term break! Miss Griffiths
16.10.17 This week in maths we have been doing some amazing measuring! In literacy we have been writing our own Hansel and Gretel stories. We have also been looking at different foods, we have sorted them into different catergories- Healthy and Unhealthy. We enjoyed being creative making our own 'Gingerbread Houses' we hope you liked them too!
09.10.17 This week in maths we have been learning how to double! We all loved learning the Doubles Rap! In literacy we have been trying to always rememebr capital letters and full stops. We have been doing this by learning a rhyme... Here is the rhyme to help at home... 'Every sentence will taste much better if I add a full stop and a capital letter' we have also been rehearsing our own version of Hansel and Gretel. We enjoyed finding out who had the biggest feet and it helped us solve our problem.... If you are the tallest, do you have the biggest feet?
02.10.17 This week we have been focussing on counting in 2s and 10s. We have been using our senses to decribe different parts of the Gingerbread House. We have been labelling different body parts and we have been looking at how we are all different. We have been busy sorting and counting sweets that Hansel and Gretel left us and have enjoyed collaging and making the gingerbread house from the story.
25.09.17 Another busy week in year 1! This week we have been working hard making sure our sentences start with a capital letter and finish with a full stop. In maths we have been using our number bond knowledge to buy sweets from the Hansel and Gretel Sweet Shop! We have also designed a house for Hansel and Gretel and used the construction blocks to make the house... We also had some building inspectors.. inspecting the work!! We had a look outside at the different things that have been growing and we used our senses to describe them.
18.09.17 This week we have been busy, busy, busy! We have enjoyed learning about our senses. We have sorted natural materials using our sesnes and we have made a senses collage. We had lots of fun! In Maths we have been colsolidating our number bonds and learning more about our 'teen' numbers. In Literacy we had to follow a special trail! We still dont know who left the trail for us, but we were grateful for the sweets and the Hansel and Gretel book!
What a busy week we have had with a lovely ending- our topic immersion day. It was so lovely to see so many of the children dressed up. We all enjoyed a range of activities linked to our new topic!
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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