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Home Learning

This week the children have had their new Homework Books. They are currently very plain and boring and not very unique to them, so I would like them to take some time to decorate the front cover, so that these books become more personal to them. I am looking forward to seeing the different designs that they come up with. 


Have fun! smiley

Miss Lewis 

Home Learning - 13.09.18


This week we have been learning all about the parts of our body. We have been looking at the difference between intenal and external parts of the body and we have been reseraching the functions of some of our body parts. For homework this week I would like you to find me 5 cool facts about the human body that you think will really impress me!



Miss Lewis frown

Home Learning - 20.09.18


This week we have been investigating exactly what we can do with our bodies. We have investigated the question 'Do children with the longest legs have the longest jump?' So far we have measured the length of eachothers legs and we have completed our jumps in our groups. Tomorrow we will be findng out the answer. 

This week, for home learning, I would like you to see who can jump the furthest in your family. Measure using metres and centimetres and record your results in a table. 


Have fun!

Miss Lewis no




Home Learning - 28.09.18


This week we have been celebrating Harvest and have been lucky enough to taste different fruits and vegetables within our lessons. We have used adjectives to describe how they taste, feel, look, and smell. We have also learnt the 'Cauliflowers Fluffy' song and discussed the different adjectives that they have used. 


This week can you rewrite the first verse of the song adding your own adjectives to describe the fruit and vegetables.



Miss Lewis frown

Home Learning - 04.10.18


This week in Year 2 we have been focusing on how we are the same and how we are different. We have completed a timeline of how we change through the years from babies to elderly. We have also looked at how our appearances are different in our class, and we collected data on hair colour and eye colour in order to construct a pictogram to display our results. 


This week for home learning I would like you to think about how you are the same and how you are different to somebody in your family. What do you notice?


I am looking forward to seeing what you found out.

Miss Lewis surprise

Home learning - 11.10.18


This week we have been focusing on instructional writing for our non-fiction genre. We are still using the story of The Three Little Pigs and next week we will be writing a set of instructions on how to trap the wolf. We have been learning all about what makes a super set of instructions and we now know all the key features that we will need to include in our writing.

Can you show me the key features that you know by writing me your own set of instructions telling me how to play a game of your choice. 


I look forward to reading them 

Miss Lewis smiley

Home Learning - 18.10.18


This week we have been focusing on how we can keep our bodies healthy. We have looked at the effect exercise has on our heart rates, we have investigated the different types of food, and we have completed our own healthy food pyramid. We are now healthy food experts!

This week for home learning can you keep a food diary to show how healthy you can be? You need to make a list of the different types of foods that you eat and when, and you also need to make a note of any exercise activities that you take part in.


Enjoy eating healthy!

Miss Lewis heart


Home Learning 08.11.18

Painted Rock Poppies


Paint a Rock Poppy for Remembrance Day.

Place it somewhere in Raglan, Monmouth or

Abergavenny near the war memorial.

After the 11th November, it can be re-hidden for someone else to find.

You may wish to add 100 Years or

Lest We Forget

Home Learning - 06.12.18


As many of you have told me that you have started tucking into your Advent calenders I thought it would be the perfect opportunity for you to research more about Advent. Can you find out more about this important period and why we celebrate it?


I look forward to hearing what you have found out.


Miss Lewis indecision

Home Learning - 21.12.18

During the rest of the Christmas holidays I would like you to complete the following tasks:

  • watch a Christmas film
  • spend time with your family and friends
  • eat food that you love
  • make somebody laugh or smile
  • do something for somebody else
  • play a board game or complete a jigsaw
  • wrap a christmas present


Come back to school again ready to learn. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Love from 

Miss Lewis heart

Home learning - 10.01.19


Welcome back everyone and Happy New Year.


We are about to start our new topic for the Spring Term where we will be learning all about Antarctica. We had our immersion day yesterday in readiness for the new topic, but I would love to know what it is in particular that you would like to learn more about. Can you have a chat with an adult in your family to brainstorm and think of 5 things that you would like to find out.


I look forward to talking more about your topic ideas next week mail



Miss Lewis 


Home Learning - 17.01.19


This week we have been learning all about money in our maths sessions. In particular we have been looking at the coins that we have available to use and what coins we can use to pay for an item within £2. For homework this week can you create your own prices for items that you have within your house (up to £2) and write down a number sentence using the correct coins to make that total. If you are going to a shop then you can write down the item that you bought and the coins that you used to make that amount. 



Miss Lewis smiley

Home Learning - 24.01.19


This week we have started to learn about the adventures of Captain Scott and his exploration of Antarctica. We have learnt all about his journey to Antarctia and his trecherous mission to the South Pole. For homework this week can you find out about any other Polar explorers. What was special about their exploration? Did they explore the North Pole or the South Pole? When did their exploration start? 


Good luck with your research

Miss Lewis laugh

Home Learning - 31.01.19


Next week we will be celebrating Chinese New Year which starts on the 5th of February. This Year it is the Year of the Pig, so we will be completing a range of different activities through a topic carousel on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. We will be food tasting, decorating and making fortune cookies and a hanging decoration in the shape of a pig. 

For homework this week can you find out what sign of the Zodiac you are on the Chinese calender. What animal was it the year that you were born and what does this say about your personality? You can draw a picture of the animal in your book with the year that you were born and the extra information that you find out. 


Happy researching 

Miss Lewis smiley

Home Learning -  14.02.19


This week we have been looking at the weather and the affect it has on the temperature both here in Raglan and in Antarctica. We have plotted our local temperature and the temperature in Antarctica on a thermometer and we have compared the similarities and differences. Next week we will be finding out what effect the weather has on the animals.

This week for home learning can you research animals that hiberbate. Can you find out what they do to keep themselves warm and what they do to survive the cold temperatures. This will help us with our topic carousel next week.


I look forward to hearing about the animals you have researched.

Miss Lewis laugh

Home Learning - 21.02.19


As part of the Horatia Durant Memorial Prize we will be running a whole school competition. Can you complete a local history project based on an area of interest in Raglan. You can present this project in any way you like. Some suggestions are models, posters, PowerPoint, a piece of writing or artwork. This project needs to be completed and returned by the 11th of March. 


Good luck and enjoy your half term!

Miss Lewis smiley

Home Learning - 14.03.19


This week we have been collecting and recording data in various ways. We started by looking at our favourite pancake toppings, collecting the data and recording our results using tally marks and then a bar chart on HWB. We then learnt how to complete carroll diagrams where we have had to sort and classify information in more than two ways. Can you practice sorting information into the correct categories on your carroll diagram. 



Miss Lewis no

Home Learning - 21.03.19


This week in maths we have been focusing on the properties of 2D shapes and in particular polygons. we have been looking at the number of sides and vertices (corners) of each shape and looking to see if each shape is regular or irregular. For home learning this week can you go on a shape hunt around your house, village or when you're out and about? When you spot a shape can you make a note of the object that has made the shape and can you tell me if the shape is regular/irregular and how many vertices and sides it has?


Enjoy your shape spotting heart

Miss Lewis 

Home Learning - 04.04.19


This week we have been writing Haiku poems. A haiku poem originates from Japan and is only 3 lines long. It is a poem based on syllables. Line 1 has 5 syllables, line 2 has 7 syllables and line 3 has 5 syllables. The children are so good at writing these now and have had lots of practice in school. We have written poems about the lifecycle of penguins and Antarctica. Please could you write a haiku poem all about Spring. Be as creative as you can.



Miss Lewis laugh

Home Learning - 06.06.19


Over the next couple of weeks we will be learning a particular version of Jack in the Beanstalk in order to write our own story retell. This is a version that the children wouldn't have been introduced to yet, so it will be a fresh story for them. Over the weekend could you read your own versions of Jack in the Beanstalk that you have at home and bring these stories in, if possible, for us to share as a class. 


Enjoy your reading 

Miss Lewis cool

Home Learning - 27.06.19


This week we will be focusing on a particular artist within our plants topic. It would be lovely for the children to complete an observational drawing of flowers using just a pencil. This could be a vase of flowers, an individual flower looking more in depth at that flower or a landscape of wild flowers when they are out and about. Look carefully and take your time with this task. Focus on the textures that you see and any shadows that you will need to shade in with your pencil. 


Enjoy this relaxing activity

Miss Lewis heart
