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Second Hand Uniform Sales



Please contact us using our new email address to order uniform at


Uniform is stored in the shipping container within the school grounds (Station Road entrance) and will be opened fortnightly to satisfy orders. 


We are now accepting good quality donations, just drop them in the labelled bin in reception. Thank you!


The PTA second-hand uniform service covers almost all items of school clothing, including PE kit, plimsolls and wellies.  Although primarily run as a service to parents and the environment rather than as a fund-raiser, this service can still generate over £600 per year for the school, and saves parents many times that amount. 


Most items are available at the bargain price of only £1 each. This means that you can buy several school outfits without it costing a fortune - so that you don’t have to worry about them getting their uniform dirty during the week or having to do additional loads of washing to ensure they always have a clean outfit to hand!


The uniform we are selling has been checked carefully to ensure it is in good, clean condition and some items are brand new! 


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