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Home Learning Spring

Homework - 12.03.20


This week we have recapped the sounds oo, ar and or. We introduced the high frequency words going, play and day. 


We have been re-telling the story of 'The Train Ride'. Ask your child to tell you about the story and ask them what they see on the journey? Can they give a description of what they see on the journey? 


Please complete the Maths task in their home learning books.


Deadline: Tuesday 17th March 2020




Homework - 5th March 2020


This week we were looking at the sounds: oo, ar and or. Please practise these sounds. Remember there are two sounds to 'oo'. B'oo'k and  z'oo' carry the different sounds. 

Head out for  a walk (if the weather is good!) and collect 'loose parts' ready for our Construction Area next week. You could consider pine cones, sticks, conkers etc... Please see the image below. 


Request: Please could we have a recent photo of your child in our class and their mother. Thank you kindly. 


Deadline: 10th March 2020


Homework: 27th February 2020


We have been recapping high frequency words this week. Please practise

that, people and come


Creative story: Based on the image below, complete the storyboard in your home learning books. We would like at least three boxes filled. Look at the images and consider including a beginning, middle and end. You can draw, write or mark make your own story. 


Deadline: Tuesday 3rd March 2020



Homework - 13.02.20


Design your own Avatar

Design an Avatar for your password holder. Your design should be on an A5 piece of paper.

Things to consider:

  • Your avatar can show aspects of your personality (for example it may have glasses or like to play tennis) but…. don’t give too much away! Your Avatar shouldn’t look like you!
  • Use the examples above to help with some ideas of what your Avatar could look like you
  • Use the examples below to help with some ideas of what your Avatar could look like


Preparation for the Eisteddfod: A letter was sent home this week regarding the competitions for the Eisteddfod. Below is a copy of the poem and song we will be learning.

Please encourage the children to practise with their own actions so they are ready for the auditions week beginning 24th February 2020. 


Have a lovely half term Reception and good luck making, creating and singing :)


Mrs Coomer


Deadline: 25th February 2020



Un bys, dau fys, tri bys yn dawnsio,
pedwar bys, pum bys, chwe bys yn dawnsio,
saith bys, wyth bys, naw bys yn dawnsio,
deg bys yn dawnsio'n llon.


Translated: One finger, two fingers, three fingers dancing,
Four fingers, five fingers, six fingers dancing,
Seven fingers, eight fingers, nine fingers dancing,
Ten fingers dancing merrily.




Ci ydw i. (I am a dog)

Ci ydw i.

Bow wow bow wow 

Ci ydw i.


Cath ydw i. (I am a cat)

Cath ydw i.

Mi-aw mi-aw (Me-ow)

Cath ydw i.


Llygoden ydw i. (I am a mouse)

Llygoden ydw i.

Gwich gwich gwich gwich (sqweak)

Llygoden ydw i.


Pysgodyn ydw i (I am a fish)

Pysgodyn ydw i

Glwg glwg glwg glwg (Glug)

Pysgodyn ydw i.


Homework - 06.02.20

Practise the following High frequency words and sounds:

Sounds: nk, igh and oo

H/F words: Are, they and see


Please complete the addition and subtraction task in books. 


Deadline: Tuesday 11th February 2020


Homework - 30th January 2020


Re-cap and practise the following sounds – ch, sh and igh

H/F words: Was, we, there

This week we have been looking at time, O’ Clock on an analogue clock. Please take a photo of your child doing completing the following tasks at home for our topic session next week:

  • Cleaning their teeth
  • Having breakfast
  • Going to school
  • Having dinner
  • Going to bed

Deadline: Tuesday 4th February 2020


Homework - 23rd January 2020


Practise the following sounds and high frequency words – ai, ee and ng

H/F words: up, can, get

We have been learning Ble rwyt ti’n byw? (Where do you live?) in welsh this week. The children were able to tell us they lived in a house. ‘Dw i’n byw yn yr ty’. Draw a picture of your house and write next to it if it is detached, semi or terrace. Try to write a full sentence e.g I live in a detached house (in English)

We have also been looking at The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Using the story caterpillar’s we made in class, can you re tell the story to someone at home? Remember to describe what the fruit taste like each day! Please can we have the caterpillars back for our display.


Deadline: Tuesday 28th January 2020

Homework - 16.01.20


Practise the following sounds and high frequency words – th, ng and ai

H/F words: Come, want, love and said

Can you help your parents unpack the shopping? Identify any 3D shapes you spot. Write down or draw the shapes you find. (E.g tin = cylinder, apple = sphere etc…) How many different 3D shapes can you find?


Deadline: Tuesday 21st January 2020

Homework - 09.01.20


Practise the sounds following sounds – sh, ch and ng

Please complete the sheet below with your child – they may need help. What would they like to be able to do by the end of the year and what are they going to do to get there?


Deadline: Tuesday 14th January 2020


(Optional Homework) Reception have been asked to take part in a young writer’s competition. All children who take part will receive a special My First Riddle bookmark, a sticker and selected poems will be invited to be published in a regional anthology. Please complete the ‘My First Riddle’ entry form, designed to help pupils with the structure of the riddle.

You can go to for themed templates.


Deadline for the competition: 20th January 2020
