Please check all school bags tonight for a letter with new arrangements:-
Due to unforeseen circumstances we have had to change our end of year trip! We have now arranged to take Year 6 pupils to the Superbowl in Friars Walk, Newport.
As before, we will be leaving school at 10am and will be back around lunchtime. All children will need to bring a packed lunch which we intend to eat in the local park. If you are in receipt of free school meals, please let us know prior to the day so that a packed lunch can be provided.
The cost will be £8.00 per child and is now set up on Parentpay. Please could all payments be made prior to the trip.
Children will be provided with a snack and a drink whilst bowling from Mrs M
Please note the date change – we are now going on Wednesday 18th July
For those Year 6 children on transition today, you will receive your letter on Monday.